Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Horny Hump Day Blog Hop

Welcome back to Horny Hump Day.

I am so elated to be a part of this blog hop and present to you my three sensual sentences from An Unexpected Desire; a lesbian romance fiction presently being edited.

An Unexpected Desire is a story about a young lesbian woman and an older woman who meet in a work environment that pushes them into an unlikely friendship that develops into more.
And here is the excerpt of their sensual moment together:

"Fiona passed the palm of her hand over the woman’s body, feeling and memorizing ever crevice, every curve, and every bump. She saw the reaction of her warm hands on the Nyasha’s chocolate skin when Nyasha writhed from side to side. ...Nyasha reached up to kiss her and she pulled away, “tsk tsk tsk” she said through a smile, “be patient my love,” Fiona brought down her mouth and placed a small kiss on Nyasha’s flat stomach, smelling the strawberry scent of her skin and feeling it envelop her mind. "

Thanks for stopping by and reading my excerpt now head on over to Horny Hump Day Site and read all the other wonderful excerpts by a bunch of talented folks.

Muah, xoxo.


  1. I loved the imagery, sensuality and the teasing. It is a very good addition to HHD. Congrats.

  2. Welcome to Horny Hump Day, Anjie. Your snippet is lovely. I like the way you've incorporated so many sensations. It's like being right there.

  3. Girl on girl isn't done enough in romance and I think it has a place there. Good work on your part to share it.

  4. Very sensual excerpt! I love the smell of strawberries.

  5. Anjie, very sensual snippet. Memorizing every crevice, every curve and every bump. Very nice.

  6. Wonderfully sensual piece! You can almost feel her touch. Welcome to Horny Hump Day, Anjie!

  7. Anjie, I'm glad you were able to participate this week. excellent choice for this week's selection. looking forward to see their developing relationship unfold. see you next time. :D
